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$( function() { //pxcoordinations var positionCount=0; //counter for RP var researchPoints=0; //index of research in its table - from left to right var indexOfResearch; //temporary variable for saving coods of part of bckg var tmp; for(i=0;i<40;i++){ $('.researches:eq('+i+' )').css({background: "url('') -"+positionCount+"px -"+positionCount+"px"}); positionCount+=100; } $('.researches').click(function(){ if ($(this).attr("data-state")=="disabled"){ index=$(".researches").index(this); tmp=50+index*100; $(this).css({background: "url('') -"+tmp+"px -"+tmp+"px"}); $(this).attr("data-state","enabled"); }else{ index=$(".researches").index(this); tmp=index*100; $(this).css({background: "url('') -"+tmp+"px -"+tmp+"px"}); $(this).attr("data-state","disabled"); } }); }); //Tooltips, copied by RevConcept, $( function() { var targets = $('.mbt-hover'), target = false, tooltip = $('.mbt-tooltip'), title = false; targets.bind( 'mouseenter', function() { target = $( this ); tip = target.children('.mbt-tooltip'); 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