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Verzia z 06:34, 25. september 2024, ktorú vytvoril Mauricius (diskusia | príspevky) (Vytvorená stránka „center|link= Athena has appeared and brings a new type of event to celebrate a certain historical milestone! - Where knowledge is everything! Take part answering questions about Grepolis in the new event 'Athena's Wisdom Trivia' and celebrate Grepolis's 15th Birthday and find out how much you know about Grepolis. ==What is Athena's Wisdom Trivia== Athena's Wisdom Trivia is an event that coincides with the 15th Birthday Anniversar…“)
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GP15 anniversary logo.png

Athena has appeared and brings a new type of event to celebrate a certain historical milestone! - Where knowledge is everything! Take part answering questions about Grepolis in the new event 'Athena's Wisdom Trivia' and celebrate Grepolis's 15th Birthday and find out how much you know about Grepolis.

What is Athena's Wisdom Trivia

Athena's Wisdom Trivia is an event that coincides with the 15th Birthday Anniversary of Grepolis! To celebrate, she has created a trivia event where you will need to use your knowledge of the game and ancient Greece to unlock rewards!

How do I play?

GP15 icone.png

To begin, click on the event icon at the bottom corner of the screen.

This will open the Athena's Wisdom Trivia! You will be met with the intro screen where you will be able to see the first question and three answers. Select an answer and you will either be correct or incorrect. No worries if you are incorrect, it will still count to your reward.

You will need to go through 5 questions to be rewarded! However if you get the question correct, you will be rewarded with a re-roll token which can be seen on the left. Gather three of these and you may reroll your reward that you have gained after 5 questions. Remember to gather your reward to continue.

Front Page.png


What can I win?

Aside from lots of awesome prizes, there are some exciting and unique prizes available! You can also re-roll your rewards for better rewards! There are also two new rewards!

Blessing of Olympus 15th year anniversary skin

Blessing olympus.png

GP15 skin.png

The 15th year skin will be presented to players as they complete 15 years of Grepolis even after the event.


Aside from this, you can also win exclusive award for your profile, to show off your hard work!


Award: 15th Anniversary

Awards 15th anniversary icon.png