Koleso šťastia Tyché

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Verzia z 09:04, 29. november 2020, ktorú vytvoril Mauricius (diskusia | príspevky)
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Tyché sa opäť vracia aj v túto sviatočnú sezónu, ale tentoraz s prekvapením! Vitajte v Kolese šťastia Tyché!

Čo je Koleso šťastia Tyché?

Koleso šťastia je event, ktorý vám ponúka jedinečný spôsob, ako vyhrať fantastické ceny. Event nahrádza adventný kalendár Tyché. V tomto upravenom evente sa bohovia usmiali na vaše sviatočné oslavy vo vašom meste a za odmenu dorazila Tyché do vášho mesta, aby roztočila svoje koleso šťastia. Tyché však neprišla sama! Prináša so sebou najväčších ilustrátorov z celého Grécka, ktorí namaľujú nádherné plátno, aby zvečnili sviatočné slávnosti vášho mesta.

Ako si zahrám?

Začnite kliknutím na Tyché v dolnom rohu obrazovky:

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Týmto sa otvorí Koleso šťastia! Koleso má k dispozícii mnoho zvláštnych schopností na odhalenie, pričom najžiadanejší a najcennejší je vytúžený denný špeciál. Denný špeciál sa samozrejme každý deň obmieňa, takže ho musíte získať skôr, ako zmizne!

Daily Special Event Inventory



You can spin the wheel by clicking on the 'Spin' button in the middle. Each spin of the wheel costs 10 Tyche coins.


You can click on the InfoButtonWoF.png on the left to see what prizes are available on the wheel. If you check the available prizes, and don't see anything you want, you can also reset the wheel by clicking 'Reset' for 15 Tyche Coins. Resetting the wheel clears the prizes from the wheel, and replaced them with a whole new batch of prizes, and also spins the wheel, so you'll get a fresh set of prizes, as well as one win for your 15 coins. The wheel also resets automatically each day, replacing all the prizes.

Once you win a prize on the wheel, it will be moved into your Event Inventory. This is a temporary storage with enough room for 8 prizes. Once full, you won't be able to spin the wheel until you either use, store, or delete some of the prizes in your event inventory.


With each spin of the wheel, your illustrators will be inspired, and complete another section of the grand prize canvas. The bar below the canvas shows your current progress towards completing this work of art, and once done, will reward you with the Grand Prize! Your illustrators will then rollup the canvas, and send it on it's journey overseas, as they start work on a new canvas!


And one more thing will occur with every spin! Each time you participate in the wheel, the gods will reward you with Divine Mana. Fill the Divine Mana bar up to activate the double prize power. When active, your next spin of the wheel will pay out double!

How do I get Tyche Coins?

Much like other events, you can get more Tyche coins from completing actions in your city such as starting building or unit orders. You can also purchase more Tyche Coins for Gold!


What can I win?

Aside from lots of awesome prizes on the wheel itself, there are some exciting and unique prizes available! Firstly, keep your eyes out for Divine Battle Strategy! This spell as you know increases the battle points you can earn. You'll also find great rewards like unit reinforcement spells for your favorite units, like Manticores!

But of course, a new event wouldn't be complete without a brand new reward, and with this we present you Soteria's Shrine!

Soteria's Shrine

The power of the shrine channels through your troops!

Defending units in this city are 0.7% more effective per level of this power. This is an upgradable power, when you use it your selected city will get 1 level of this power. The maximum level is 10.

This power is permanent.*


Aside from this, you can also win exclusive awards for your profile, to show off your hard work!

Leave No Chance

You have won all rewards on a wheel in a single day.

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Fortune Control

You have changed the fortune of the wheel twice in one day.

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Tyche's Challenger

Spin the wheel of fortune 80 times Spin the wheel of fortune 120 times Spin the wheel of fortune 170 times Spin the wheel of fortune 250 times
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Fortune of Immortals

Win 5 Daily Specials Win 10 Daily Specials Win 17 Daily Specials Win 25 Daily Specials
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Festive Muse

Complete 5 paintings Complete 10 paintings Complete 15 paintings Complete 20 paintings
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